Tips for Improving Your Immunity this Winter (Reprint)

With the flu, RSV, COVID and colds going around many folks have been asking me about how to increase immunity. As I have written in previous articles, good Agni (digestive fire) is the cornerstone of a strong immune system. (Read about Agni here). If your Agni is strong, what else can you do? Here are some simple ways to keep your immune system strong.

1) Oil your nose.

Don’t leave the house without coating the inside of your nose with oil. Coating your mucus membrane will create an extra barrier for bacteria, viruses and allergens. It also helps prevent your nasal passageways from drying up.

2) Use a Neti pot.

A Neti pot will prevent congestion. This saltwater rinse should not be used if you are heavily congested, have an infection, or have excess moisture. Use it in the shower to keep your nasal passages open. Follow it by oiling your nose.

3) Drink warm boiled water.

Boil a pot of water uncovered for five minutes add a pinch of powdered ginger. Put some in an insulated bottle to keep it warm. Sip it warm throughout the day.

4) Use Eucalyptus Oil in your shower.

Drop some oil in the bottom of your shower. The oil will reach you as steam. Eucalyptus is antibacterial and antimicrobial.

5) Eat Chyavanprash.

Chyavanprash is a Ayurvedic medicated jam. It’s a base of the fruit Amla, which has 40x more vitamin C per serving than oranges. It is cooked with immune boosting herbs. You need a good Agni to digest this jam. Eat 1 tsp a day followed by warm water.

6) Dress warm and go outside.

Extra layers are important, especially when the temperature fluctuates. Make sure that you get fresh air regularly. Being in nature helps us relax and walking is a great form of exercise. I recommend at least ½ hour of fresh air each day.

If this has been helpful and you need more of this, please join me in:


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Ami Hirschstein